Even the title is “offices” the work environment we spend our work life might be also something else. Nevertheless noises, sound reverberation and other ergonomic factors are important to personnel at work. The positioning of acoustics is different compared to home acoustics but also brand image, colours and shapes give us freedom to be more creative and have fun with acoustics. If it is Konto, it will dampen the sounds, no matter how it looks. From this gallery you will find some examples how to spice up your working hours.
Workspace acoustics gallery

Geometric and custom sizes
Acoustics does not need to be the standard sizes. Konto is easy to customize and therefore the pricing might surprise you.

Large print art projects
The largest panel is 2400x1200mm but nothing stop us printing it one more than one panel. Only limitation is the photo quality which we check beforehand.
Brand colours
Konto is naturally peat brown. We paint it using NCS S 1950 , RAL or Tikkurila colours.
Large spaces
One common question is: how much acoustics I need? An acoustician is the expert who can answer that question. We are not acousticians but by our experience we can give you an advice and quote for the solution.
From sketch to reality
Konto offers a lot of opportunities and free hands for design. We need .dwg file to cut the form and the colours. This is from Tapiolan Hohka, Walls are 20+20mm acoustic panel and clued on the drywall. Designed by Anna Kyyhkynen Flock., Project management: AMP Yhtiöt Oy, photographer: Hannu Iso-Oja