Home acoustics
Before Konto there was no such thing as home acoustics in Finland. We found that the scandinavian design of private homes included only elements that caused reverberation and it needed desperately a solution. Today the word “konto” is a kind of synonym for good acoustics. You can use our acoustics as ceiling material instead of gypsum or you can mount the panels on top of the old ceiling.
Home acoustics gallery

Ceiling acoustics
If you do not have curtains but a high living room, the ceiling is the only surface and the best for acoustic treatment.

Visual aspect
Whether you renovate old of build new house, the acoustics are always a visual element in your home. If you choose panelling, the joints are always visible. Konto recommends minimum 5mm open joints for light colours.

Every home is unique just like Konto acoustics. We can cut the panels to whatever size and paint it with the colour of your choice.
Lowered ceiling
Pay attention how the sound coefficient is displayed in the marketing texts. The air behind the panel really makes a difference. It is not only visual effect but you could get 25% more out of your acoustics if you mount them so that there is 100-200mm airgap behind them. This is important thing to plan beforehand when you are building new house because you can use thinner (lower price) panels and still get the reverberation dampened.
Easy mounting
You can easily cut Konto using a stanley knife. Because the panels are just mostly peat and the rest is polyester, you don´t need to worry the cutting dust which is not harmfull.
Mounting with adhesive
You can mount the panels using Fintex acoustics adhesive to almost any surface. Only problematic material is such that dissolves into wet cloth. This kind of a gypsum plaster was used in the 90´s. But no problem, we just need to workaround that challenge.
Circular economy
If you have found second hand panels somewhere, you can refresh them with a thing layer of new paint. Just make sure the surface is open and there is not too thick layers of paint. A paint spray gun is the tool to use.
Are you an audiophile but your spouse does not understand what the sweet spot has to do anything with feng shui? Fortunately Konto is an excellent absorbent despite how it is designed and in Konto´s network there are various of artists who can help you and your spose to find a common solution.