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Acoustics is the essential part of interior design

In the hands of Suunnittelupalvelu Jennifer Konto acoustics blended in and supports the interior design of this unique resort in Ukkohalla Lapland. The very first customers arrived to experience the magic of Lapland on Christmas 2020. Timetable was fixed and no place for an error, but when you are a hard expert like Jenni Paakkari, one does not need to worry the outcome and quality.

Konto acoustics have selected printed pictures in this location. When the resort is surrounded by beautiful nature, why to hide it with walls? If you have an idea, please approach Konto with it and lets discuss how to bring it to reality. Since printing technique has advanced and Konto acoustics can have any shape and combining panels and dividing picture to several acoustic pieces, we can create bigger entirety than our biggest sheet of acoustics 2400x1200mm. And when you add this the different thicknesses of acoustics, special shapes combining printed and painted acoustics, the door is open for ideas in design.